Sunday, June 7, 2020

Honeyed/Catching Promises ... by Jeanne René

       All summer long

mama’s porch caught and nestled the breeze
   for the ladies.
Round, round the rafters it ambled,
swooped down
circled about our lil’ darlin’s
and leapt up
in impetuous gusts to tangle pixie bangs.


red-freckled cheeks,
lollipop impressions falling fast on our laps,
making sweet, sweet laughter.
Smiles sipping so-cold sodas
in effortless satisfaction
with cool, cool beads of bliss
on the lips of the ladies.


dillydallied mixing company with
the persistent lover puffing its breath
in jasmine balm and pungent geranium
     bouquets for the ladies.
Temperamental bursts
fluttering soft lapels against our white throats,
and lazy chimes shake, shake, shaking delirium
with a sudden slap.
Easy, honeyed wind swept round the porch


the soft slender hands

    all summer long


pretty ladies catching promises ferried on the wind




copywrite jeanne rené

Dedicated to Trisha, Darlene and Diane ... and all our kids