Showing posts with label Jeanne René. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jeanne René. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

~this scent of pine and meditation

 by jeanne rené 

these boughs twined of firefly lights,
baubles merriment and jubilee,
now lost in the scent of pine and candle wax
I assemble,
my thought
my sense. . . my wit about me

My meditation
impels me,
close my eyes.
Bids me listen
to the thunder . . . a voice soundless.
Commands me
release the hours,
pause and inhale a singular breath

. . . pause and inhale a singular breath.
Know me as I bring your lips to mine,
I release my word and swell your lungs,
in your waking . . . in your slumber.
I am the only current,
at once, the same, high and retiring tide

. . . quiet . . . listen
I am the rise and the descent,
holding nothing from your seasons.
I am ever the seeding,
ever the harvest,
birth and death as one

and duality

. . . quiet
I distinguish no celebration
for I am consistent in my bounty.
I credit nothing to translations,
or tongues,
your histories, or crusades
I am undivided . . .

. . . wordless
Close your eyes.
I am the name of the child gone before you,
after you
and standing beside you. . .
the child whose hand you seek

In my rumination, this Christmas come,
midst song and celebration I find,
. . . in the hush, the whisper of the only breath

You are my primary colors,
the mixing of my forest and heaven,
the paints of my red soil and dazzling sun.
You are the blending of all hues and textures,
the threads of our kente,
the fine stitch of our quilt . . .
the laugh of the baboon,
the leap of the gazelle

And you are . . . simply present,
ever waiting
for us to exhale . . . 

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Monday, October 17, 2022

... to have the moss grow over my heart
by jeanne rené


public domain image

Every once in a while I feel it,
Slippage through a chink of actuality
Into a pinhole passage of the phenomenon,
To know . . . I am dancing.
I walk across the rift
To see. . . I am dancing,
I am waltzing with splendor as my partner.
I sally. . . . I whirl . . . . at times, I even prance
Upon the knolls of God's intent.
Lush, the hills, with bush and brush,
Grass and grain set in soil
And every once in a while I feel them,
I know them
To take root in my soul.

Every once in a while I wear it,
Upon my back a dress of flaxen rags.
In the moment that I stumble over the divide
I wear . . . . I embellish
The light in the darkness.
Throwing my arms in madness,
I am dancing in the gowns of consciousness.
A blink . . . . a flutter . . . . at times, a deep breath
Held beneath the waterfall.
Deep, my feet, sink into the earth.
The moss hunts my heart.
And every once in a while I know it,
I hear it
The reply sounding over the myst. 
 Copyright jeanne rené 01/04


Thursday, July 9, 2020

... on a blanket with my baby
by Jeanne René

he licks
the bead of nehi orange
resting in the corner of her lips
he smiles
shivering sweetness up
shivering down
a spine tingling kamikaze rush
craving molotov cocktails of powerful emotions
on this sundown
slowed downed
sea shine stroll

all the time
she’s tossing beached driftwood
back into the shallow sea
and drinking nehi effervescence
popping slippery sea flowers
can you catch me
in tempestuous silence
want some
one last sip

he wraps his lips around the bottle
he drinks
zigzagging round sand castles
they amble the beach walk
caress the beach talk
submerged in thought waves
the ebb and flow of speaking foreplay
tickling the under bellies
of panicked sand crabs

kicking up sea foam
that make her legs glisten
in the amber glow closing the day
the blue nylon shorts
kiss the inside of her thighs with salty dampness
and he asks - with a wink
are you cold enough yet
unbuttoned shirt
slips off of his shoulders
he offers his apology
with warmth
truce granted without a question
as well as the kiss

slowed down
the cool sand tugs at bare feet
up to the boardwalk
still spinning with low-lit carousels
but empty of spandex beauties rollerblading
past hard muscled hormones
slouching on benches
or hare krisna barkers for salvation through mantras

an angel drifts upon a cloud
heaven knows
they are shivering
and too young to consider
looking back
in solemn faithless retrospect
much less
coming up to the surface for air

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... The Drifters

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Honeyed/Catching Promises ... by Jeanne René

       All summer long

mama’s porch caught and nestled the breeze
   for the ladies.
Round, round the rafters it ambled,
swooped down
circled about our lil’ darlin’s
and leapt up
in impetuous gusts to tangle pixie bangs.


red-freckled cheeks,
lollipop impressions falling fast on our laps,
making sweet, sweet laughter.
Smiles sipping so-cold sodas
in effortless satisfaction
with cool, cool beads of bliss
on the lips of the ladies.


dillydallied mixing company with
the persistent lover puffing its breath
in jasmine balm and pungent geranium
     bouquets for the ladies.
Temperamental bursts
fluttering soft lapels against our white throats,
and lazy chimes shake, shake, shaking delirium
with a sudden slap.
Easy, honeyed wind swept round the porch


the soft slender hands

    all summer long


pretty ladies catching promises ferried on the wind




copywrite jeanne rené

Dedicated to Trisha, Darlene and Diane ... and all our kids

Monday, April 27, 2020

Grey Cat Sit Upon My Lap and Pause with Me
by Jeanne René

... balance, breathing and moths ..for me, oft times a source of inspiration one late summer...


At cool decline of day
When cloud billow drifts

In contemplation of summer rain
Past peek-a-boo moon shine . . . It all seems so simple

Sitting here, lazy in Adirondack green,
Tease of temperate gust against a cheek,
Grey cat zigzagging between my feet
And eyes to heaven
Spellbound in the rhythm of distant star flame,
A twinkle to my sight . . . It all seems so simple

To fill the lungs with gentle thoughts,
Swell and stir inside my chest, the spirit gift,
The same that ignites outmost meteor,
The same that cups the fickle rain above my head
This genius rising in, and out through me . . . Seems so simple

To know what the balance ought to be
Between the inhale and exhale
Of unbounded galaxies.
Seems so simple to understand
That all is well with the moth that flutters round
Naked yellow bulb burning

Tonight behind my back . . .

So simple this truth to me

copywrite jeannerené

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

~ searching north star
by Jeanne René

"with cherry fields
pink cheeks
and empty stomach
until we celebrate together"

~~from empty stomach by northstar


You must look in the direction of the wish,
half-way up within the night sky
teetering on the horizon
of desire and intuition.
Polaris of the lover,
she defines the east, west and south of moonlight

You must look by the way of the heart,
the guiding path overgrown with rose tear,
mint flower and lemon thorn memory.
You must trace the line of
falling-dreams across the cheek as she passes,
following the quiver of the compass,

and embracing
the wistful brilliance of her voice

to find the north star.

copyright jeanne rene

Photo via Good Free Photos

~complete and unabridged~
by Jeanne René

i am relatively old

this i surmised today
due to waking with pain across my back
accompanied by well versed groans
when reaching for toes
and stretching mournful extremities

deep into my morning revelry
a fanciful thought creeps into my over-taxed genius
that i would like to slip into shakespeare’s works
complete and unabridged

be written boldly into his pages
to puff my chest and billow my skirts
rant and rave and wallow
and allow
my venerable bones speak to me
in brittle soliloquy
of some memory waiting
and stubborn prayers
whispered in endless revolution

a silly wandering
to take my days
in tempest or merriment
and play them against the centuries
quoting my very own “adieu, adieu”
and placing one more virgin kiss
wildly upon my romeo
to be of one parchment penned
with quill that embellishes youth and age
and all senses embroiled
on earth and hell and heaven

but as i curl my lip against the spasm of my weary ways
and manage at last to stand straight and light
i laugh at my dramatic musing
and in truth know that i would simply settle
to set myself
once more
as in
former days
upon a nicely rounded derriere

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Monday, June 10, 2019

Jeannie's First Curl
by Jeanne René

Grace, Joey, Eugene, Tony, Tina, Vera, Jay

     “I’ll ride with you to Gracie’s rosary.”

intonation peculiar
voice muffled by layers of exhaustion

     “Sure, Ma, that’s fine.”

pause inflated by a sigh
suctioning of memory
lifting her chest to a lifetime
releasing the inevitability
clarification of goodbye

succumbing to a dull embrace
     “Everybody’s gone.”

accents of perplexity
     “Everybody's gone.”

talk . . . just talk
rounding corners of silences
so many heartbeats stolen

     “The envelope says Jeannie’s first curl.”

voice sits upon a quaver
she drifts
to the kitchen table

arms cradling her newborn

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Friday, April 19, 2019

by Jeanne René


to the edge of the pool
with her own pomp and circumstance,
and we squint
even behind the darkest of sun shades

snickers skew tight lips,
potatoes chips held suspended over clam dip
crumble between our fingertips
and we shiver under the heat of our own dementia

with arduous sigh I follow
the slant of her smile
and the ageless bounce of bosoms,
the ornamented red of cheek
still the burn of her maidenhood

the dip of her toe into water,
the breezy dismissal of time under weightless chiffon
cast away with a giggle
and we twitter, but no one rushes in to save an old woman

perhaps, she is mercifully blind to the color of melancholy,
never touching the texture of wrinkle, the blemish of crease . . .
simply lost in an euphoria
too fragile to deny her bed fellows
age and heartache

Copywrite jeannerené 07.09

Saturday, March 30, 2019

The Prizefighter's Garden
by Jeanne René

Papa had a voice, romantic and rich. A voice whose timber echoed the clamor of carts pulled by donkeys down uneven cobble stone streets and whose vibrato quivered like the bulging muscles of dusty day laborers. His song at the dinner table, given to only to daughters and son ... and to brown-eyed granddaughters ... was sometimes a field of wheat dancing on an easy breeze, and other times a hammer against steal rivets. He could have out-sung any Caruso of his day... or today's Pavarotti, but he never stepped out of the grandma's kitchen or wide-armed sofa. His audience wept just the same.

Papa was born in Sicily ... Palermo. Family was everything. He had been a boxer. He eventually became quite a successful business man with a plastering company ... and he loved his garden.

Under his arbor ~

Plump passionate
Fuchsia bells spill
Moss painted terracotta swaying
Pushed by butterflies
In heavy hands
He held my face to their flesh
To discover nature's miracles
The grace of the flower
The grace of the man
Here beat my heart along with time
Papa walked me round his garden
In stages of my bloom

In his arms ~
To the loquat’s
Dusty fruit
Breaking its amber meat
For my anxious fingers to my lips
Spitting seeds into the fish fountain
Strolling over the flagstones
From bud to blossom
Laughter lifts his heavy brows
To the buzz of monster bee
As I shelter in the warmth of his neck
Until he sets me down
With well picked mums

With his hand ~
Papa walks me round his garden
To the swoon of the gardenias white
A skip ahead and turn around
Twirling sour grass on the tip of my tongue
Every Sunday to the rose path
Near the window sill
Sauces stewing for the evening meal
Blend with beauties bittersweet
Papa hums the old man river
Of life
Of love
And in my hands four quarters fold
Behind my ear a sprig of thyme

By his side ~
Papa walks me round his garden
Slow in the evening
Sweet song of final days
Hushed in the beauty of the peony
Revealing secrets before it quickly fades
By the fish fountain as the wicker rocks
He whispers now in harmony with the breeze
Of every cut and bruise held in his glove
To say I’ve been
You will be
Time to listen
Under the shade of the cherry tree

The stray leaf that falls against my cheek today
Perhaps his kiss

jeanne rené 4/04.........for Papa, my grandfather, who taught me the joy of gardening.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Above the Roar of the Inconsequence
by Jeanne René

I am
a child of concrete
of window vignettes unwanted, unavoidable.
Contact, communication with the human condition
that contaminates,
cements my visage into wrinkles of camaraderie,
cohesion of war and peace and dinner debates.

“I am, I am,” clanging my spoon
upon the bottom of my pot,
above the roar of the inconsequence…

“I am!”

I am the warmth of streetlight,
its halo hovering above our saints and our demons.
I stop to rest, to slump
against thin walls vibrating with multiple heartbeats,
I soften … stoop under wags of cacophonous tongues,
and lonely testimonials liberated into the dark abyss.
I cry,
crying at the poetic laughter of derelict lovers,
and the coo of babies drifting with the dust of ventilation, I settle, recline.
I rise to the wink of flirtatious matriarchs leaning on sooty sills,
sashaying their hips in accompaniment to evening recitations
strummed upon the underbellies of complacent cicadas ….

    and I move
by way of masses on summer trails of blistering boulevard
asphalt lakes, ribbons amalgamate mortality
putty and plaster
sand and solder
fused      I am fused and I move

    never on a whisper,

in the presence of bobbing umbrellas
admiring the shine of petroleum prisms.
puddle jumping to catch the rush of sunset.
In the presence
of timepieces set upon analog hours,
traversed in measures of unbounded highway,
calculations of conferences
and the shade of high rise     I move

parade through our humanity, inhumanities, the pulse, the pulse, the pulse
pounded on the pavement.
And, I scream, “I am the child of byways, sown into the cement
flesh of the multitude
and the backward glance into the alley,
the augmented 5th suspended above the sidewalk,
the tail of the shooting star drawn behind the skyline

dissolving into the infinitesimal speck,
grain of sand, polished sediment pressed under my weight
into the generations.”
I bang my pot, hammer my silver spoon,
“I am mettle of metropolis,
the sweet seduction of city
stuck to the bottom of my shoes.”

I am

   I am the shadow falling between the jagged horizon ... I am.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

... a kiss to end a dream on
by Jeanne René

Raising his head
to the afternoon,
a touch
of life
smiled upon one more day,
I give with my embrace,
to see
my father sit
beside me.

My hands move
shoulder blades,
plantive points,
angles of his disillusion
drawn taunt
waste and prostration,
jaundiced laughter,

and silence.
My hands move
of my backbone,
massaging memories
to circulate lingering
too hard to bare
in the daylight.

The hour wanes
and there waits
my rocking chair.

Lie back
upon your pillow
my father's dreams
with a kiss,

and Satchmo's sweetness
whispering softly
in your ear.

Copywrite jeanne rené

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Upon Consideration of Hourglass and Spectrum
by Jeanne René

I touch the reflection in my mirror,
trying to find the supple texture of my lips,
but stopped by my own fingertips.
Studying a false immortality,
unable to marry that which I see to that which I feel.
The eyes of this solitary figure
do not discern my rainbow pigmentation.
This delusive guise does not display the saturation
of youth and lover,
of mother and daughter,
of teacher.
Of time and every tear,
countless portraits and poses that I, clearly, still can see.

I find it best to walk away, leave my reflection
and harmonize with my humble mortality.
Simply to take my colors
and distribute them in kindness
along the remainder of the way.
So I consider;
What lasting word can I give my children
that they will draw upon in the depths of their misery?
Which passionate kiss
will forever be akin to ecstasy on the mouth of my lover?
With which words of gratitude do I bury my mother?
... which grape and grain be mine to feast in kinship
at the table of a stranger.

I will find . . . all that I am,
all that I have never ceased to be,
all that I have left behind, but always take along with me,
and bestow my gifts to precious time,
no trace of my reflection, except in memory.

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Purpose and the Prairie
by Jeanne René