by jeanne rené
I linger passing the
looking glass,
turn to survey
my nakedness still damp with bath,
pausing curiously
to scrutinize this skin so many years mine.
A pink and supple womanhood,
each line and contour now eschewing
with a blurred eye, the fate of gravity,
My hand glides over a perfect navel still
cradling drops of perfume,
and I wonder at this figure’s passion,
its desires taken
and pleasures given
throughout its measured time.
An immodest perusal,
bare breast cupped within my hand,
a rounded stomach fingertips touch,
and legs stretched outward
weary of day and night dances,
in conclusion
reflecting back . . . image and memory.
Effigy and recollection,
and questions outstanding,
unfulfilled by
definitions paraphrasing this femininity
with terms too simple to credit
the swell of bosoms gladness
in duality.
My purpose, unlike the image,
lost in revelry of the suckle
as both lover and mother.
I cannot resist
the intake of circumstance
with a momentous sigh
and obliging smile upon my lips
in resignation,
for long perhaps this oval mirror,
bound in deepest cherry,
will rest before me in sincere mockery
as years progression braid my legacy
tightly to the root of my graying weave.
It’s mimicry to capture each deepening furrow
that I shall trace in inquisition,
as I do now, standing here
silent and unadorned,
following the proportion and scheme of my hips.
I am amazed, as always in these discreet wanderings,
by the continued discrepancy
between mind and body,
and their oracles unrevealed to satisfy my thirst.
My undress intensifies only
the indelible mystery and the passage of the hours
uniquely sculpted in this body of mine.
Mine …. nonetheless, to caress.
jeanne rené 6.05
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