Monday, June 10, 2019

Jeannie's First Curl
by Jeanne René

Grace, Joey, Eugene, Tony, Tina, Vera, Jay

     “I’ll ride with you to Gracie’s rosary.”

intonation peculiar
voice muffled by layers of exhaustion

     “Sure, Ma, that’s fine.”

pause inflated by a sigh
suctioning of memory
raising her chest to a lifetime
releasing the inevitability
clarification of goodbye

succumbing to a dull embrace
     “Everybody’s gone.”

accents of perplexity
     “Everybody's gone.”

talk . . . just talk
rounding corners of silences
so many heartbeats stolen

     “The envelope says Jeannie’s first curl.”

voice sits upon a quaver
she drifts
to the kitchen table

arms cradling her newborn

jeanne rené 4/05

1 comment:

  1. 'Everybody is gone' is a refrain I am coming to understand. The world [San Jose] was so much smaller when they were young. As LoCurtos and Caccamos and Gairnese started slipping away, well, everybody is gone. I know we can't travel back but if we could, I might pick a big family gathering to enjoy that orange soda from those juice glasses and sit at the kids table, watching the adults who are long gone.
