... balance, breathing and moths ..for me, oft times a source of inspiration ..lol...written one late summer...
At cool decline of day
When cloud billow drifts
In contemplation of summer rain
Past peek-a-boo moon shine . . . It all seems so simple
Sitting here, lazy in Adirondack green,
Tease of temperate gust against a cheek,
Grey cat zigzagging between my feet
And eyes to heaven
Spellbound in the rhythm of distant star flame,
A twinkle to my sight . . . It all seems so simple
To fill the lungs with gentle thoughts,
Swell and stir inside my chest, the spirit gift,
The same that ignites outmost meteor,
The same that cups the fickle rain above my head
This genius rising in, and out through me . . . Seems so simple
To know what the balance ought to be
Between the inhale and exhale
Of unbounded galaxies.
Seems so simple to understand
That all is well with the moth that flutters round
Naked yellow bulb burning
Tonight behind my back . . .
So simple this truth to me
copywrite jeannerené