Showing posts with label finding northstar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label finding northstar. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

~ searching north star
by Jeanne René

"with cherry fields
pink cheeks
and empty stomach
until we celebrate together"

~~from empty stomach by northstar


You must look in the direction of the wish,
half-way up within the night sky
teetering on the horizon
of desire and intuition.
Polaris of the lover,
she defines the east, west and south of moonlight

You must look by the way of the heart,
the guiding path overgrown with rose tear,
mint flower and lemon thorn memory.
You must trace the line of
falling-dreams across the cheek as she passes,
following the quiver of the compass,

and embracing
the wistful brilliance of her voice

to find the north star.

copyright jeanne rene

Photo via Good Free Photos